Pay-per-click or PPC marketing, as it is commonly referred to as, is a type of marketing in which the advertisement of your website is used to generate clicks. The advertiser pays a certain fee for every time a user clicks on your ad. This is a quick way of earning visiting’s, instead of waiting for organic clicks. The most common type of PPC is the one for search engines, such as Google, where the ads are posted in search results. Every time a user clicks on that link, the advertiser has to pay for generating that click through the search engine. Advertisers are supposed to bid for ad placements in search engine’s search results as sponsored links.

It sounds just too expensive paying the search engine or any other website for every time a user clicks on your ad. In reality, this fee is nothing compared to the traffic and sales it generates for your website. However, generating clicks is not that easy; your ads must prompt and tempt the user to click on them. This is only possible if your ad has specific keywords that are organized into your marketing campaign. Once the user clicks on your website, your landing page should also be captivating and interesting. Google Ads is the most commonly used PPC in the marketing world. However, Microsoft Advertising is also popular for PPC.

The purpose of PPC is:

—To generate leads
—Create brand awareness
—Increase sales and ROI (Return On Investment)


Google Ads is the most frequently used form of PPC in the marketing world. Advertisers bid on keywords and then pay for each click they get on their advertisement. This is how the Google Ads mechanism works; but how does Google choose the ads to show? Whenever a user types out a query in the search bar, Google searches for the best suitable ads to appear in the search result. Google chooses those ads that have the relevant ad text and specific keywords, that match the query of the user, and it also depends on the size of the keyword bids.

Digging more deeply into the technicalities of Google Ads, ad ranks are based on metric calculations. It requires the multiplication of two factors- the CPC Bid and the Quality Score. Your Quality Score affects your CPC.

The CPC can be described as the highest amount an advertiser is willing to spend on his ad. Quality Score is a value that considers your landing page quality, relevance, click-through rate, keywords, etc. This is how the ad rank is determined.


PPC is a great way of showcasing your products and services to consumers who are looking for certain products. Google digs out and displays the most relevant ads on the search result page for the user, making it more likely for the user to click on the ad. Since it is already a relevant ad to the user’s query, chances of the user making purchases on your website are high too.

Furthermore, with PPC, it gets a lot easier to measure the Return On Investment (ROI). You can easily measure the traffic volume and sales generated through PPC. The sales generated through PPC are generally seen to be higher than other marketing methods. The main reason for this is that the ads are highly specific and targeted towards those users who are already searching for something similar to what you have to offer. Thus, with PPC, you can grow your customer base at a much faster pace than other marketing methods.

It does not matter what industry your business belongs to; any business can make use of pay-per-click marketing to increase sales and get a higher ROI. You get to target your audience in a much better way, making it an effective marketing campaign, that generates results.


An effective PPC campaign relies heavily on the keywords you choose for your ad. You must change the keywords of your ad frequently due to the increased competition, allowing you to optimize your PPC marketing campaign.

Even before you start selecting keywords, you have to choose a specific theme for your marketing campaign and then build upon it.

Choosing the most specific keywords can be time-consuming, and if you do not choose the right keywords for your ad, your ad might not be effective in driving the results you desire. For this reason, you must consider opting for professional help. DigAptics is a dedicated team of marketing professionals, who work tirelessly to help business owners to achieve their desired results.

A list of keywords that are considered to be effective for PPC should have the following characteristics:

1. Relevant
This is the most important characteristic of the PPC keywords. To drive the desired web traffic to your website, you should use relevant keywords in your ad. This helps to drive the specific traffic to your website; people who are interested in your products.

2. Expansive
Be open to changing the wordings of your ad. This helps to make your ad more effective than your competitors.

3. Exhaustive
Instead of adding the regular, most common searched for keywords, you should consider adding long-tail keywords. They play a major role in driving traffic to your website. Adding negative keyword history would prevent your ad from showing up in search results that are not relevant to you. This will not help in any conversion of clicks, therefore, the best solution is not to show up in such search results.

Your PPC marketing campaign is not just dependent upon the keywords you use. It also depends upon the landing page of your website which must be refined and modified. You must ensure that all your traffic is not sent to the same page; it should be sent to different pages to get better results. You must also modify the calls-to-action (CTAs).


There are various types of ads that you can make for your brand. These are:

—Expanded Text Ads
After the specific keywords have been selected, then you are ready to write the text of the ad. You must keep the theme in mind and also utilize the keywords efficiently. The ads should be compatible with both mobile and desktop versions. When the user clicks on this ad, they will be directed to the landing page where the continued ad message is shown.

—Product Listing Ads
This type of ad is used in ecommerce PPC campaigns. It contains images and prices for products. For this type of ad, the Google Merchant Center account should be linked with Google Ads.

—Image Ads
Advertisements that include images can be adjusted according to the size where they will be shown.


Ad extensions are used to enhance your PPC ad, as they add additional details about your business. They help to improve the click-thru rate (CTR) of the ad headline. There are various types of ad extensions. These are:

1. Sitelink Extensions
They provide additional links to help the reader dive deep into your website. They can be added manually and can even include descriptions, that are known as enhanced site links.

2. Location Extensions
This is an excellent option for brick-and-mortar businesses. The address of the store can be added too, provided that it is registered with Google My Business.

3. Call Extensions
If your business can be reached out via phone, this is a great option. if not, then you must opt-out of it.

4. App Extensions
This option is useful for those businesses who want to improve and increase their engagement rate.

5. Consumer Rating Annotations
Displaying your consumer ratings will allow you to gain the trust of other customers easily.

6. Seller Rating Extensions
This takes into account the business progress overall. Google ensures that these ratings are transparent and not fraudulent.


Pay-per-click marketing campaigns can be beneficial for businesses of all sizes, provided that the right approach has been taken for it. If you do not have the correct format and relevant keywords, you will not be able to reap the results of the PPC campaign. Having professionals sort out your PPC marketing campaign will ensure that you get to see the desired results. DigAptics is that one team of professionals whom you can count upon to get the desired results for your business. At the end of the day, every business wants to achieve a higher ROI. Contact DigAptics today to discuss the details of your business goals.


Author Digaptics

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